Are Greens powders worth it?

Do I Need a Greens Powder?

In ideal world you wouldn’t need a greens powder. Ideally you wouldn’t need any supplements.

But with our modern day foods being heavily processed, the quality and level of nutrients have declined.

So yes, there can be benefits to taking a greens powder for the average person that is not looking to address any specific health concern. But keep in mind the very individual nature of our health.

Greens powder is not designed for those with specific issues or conditions like a skin condition or digestive issues. If you are someone like that then it can be better to take individual supplements because you can customize the ratios for your own individual needs.

If you are someone that could benefit from a greens powder or enjoys taking them then I'd say some options out there are better than others.

What to Look for in a Greens Powder

#1 -Clearly stated quantities of the ingredients & standardized extracts listed as a percentage or a ratio because then you will know that you are getting a guaranteed amount of that ingredient.

#2 - Nutritional values that are within the daily limit it might be appealing to look for something with 300% of a vitamin but you should be mindful of nutrient storage in the body. Sometimes high doses can do more harm than good.

#3 - Not marketed as a quick-fix to a healthy lifestyle but as something to support your health.

My thoughts on a trending greens powder...Is it all hype?

Nothing Beats Whole Foods

Keep in mind that nothing really beats simply eating nutritious, whole foods so that you are getting the full spectrum of nutrients the way Mother Nature intended. It is no coincidence that almonds are high in healthy fats and vitamin E when vitamin E needs fat to be absorbed in the body. It also doesn't hurt that it provides essential fiber to support gut heath.

So try to spend more time in the fruits and veggie aisles of the grocery store and less time in the packaged goods section. Buy frozen or even canned veggies if you need to.

It's kind of the Wild West out there when it comes to greens powders and there are SO many options so do your best to read the labels and look beyond the marketing fluff!


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